Christmas ham recipes

Glistening with a sticky glaze, studded with cloves or flavoured with fruit, a gorgeous ham is a festive favourite. Learn how to make the perfect Christmas ham with these recipes, glazes and sides to serve, plus find out how to use any leftovers after the feast.

Christmas hams

Easy honey glazed ham

How to glaze a ham

Step 1: Pick your favourite glaze recipe from our collection below and follow instructions to make the glaze. 

Step 2: Position a rack in the lowest part of the oven and remove other racks. Preheat oven to 180°C/160°C fan-forced. Line a large roasting pan with baking paper. 

Step 3: Cut rind 10cm from end of shank, leaving fat. Remove rind from ham by gently running your thumb between the rind and fat. 

Step 4: Using a small, sharp knife, score the fat in a diamond pattern, about 5mm deep. Take care not to cut into the meat. Push a clove into the centre of each diamond. Cloves add a subtle flavour and are also decorative. Transfer ham to pan. 

Step 5: Follow the cooking times highlighted in your chosen glaze recipe. Let the ham rest before serving to your guests!

Handy tips for the perfect Christmas ham

Leftover ham storage

How to store your ham

  • Soak a ham bag, a clean cotton pillowcase or tea towel in 4 cups water and 2 tbs vinegar.
  • Wring out excess water and place ham in the bag, pillowcase or tea towel. Store in the coolest part of the fridge for up to 2 weeks. Re-soak bag, pillowcase or tea towel in vinegar solution every few days or when fabric dries out.
  • Pieces of uncooked ham can be kept in the freezer for up to 3 months. Freeze in bags and place in an airtight container or wrapped tightly in aluminum foil. Slices of uncooked ham can also be frozen, however be sure to portion the slices up like you would rashers of bacon, as prying frozen slices of ham apart to use one at a time can be tricky work. Be sure not to just throw away the bone or hocks either; use them to add extra flavour and depth to broths and stocks.
  • It’s best not to freeze baked ham as it has already gone through the cooking process twice (curing and baking). Pieces of baked ham can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

Side dishes

Ideas for leftover ham