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Top recipe features

Get the most out of Woolworths recipes

These handy tips are designed to help you get the most out of our delicious recipes. Whether you want to shop the ingredients, save them for later on a shopping list, or if you’re planning for a feast and want to increase serving sizes to suit your guest list, we’re here to help — leave the admin to us. With these tips in your repertoire, you’ll be prepared for it all.


Easily adjust recipe serving sizes

Simply use the + and − buttons, located at the top of the ingredients section, to toggle more or less of the ingredients until you reach your desired serving size.

Note: you’ll need to use your best judgement when it comes to cooking time, as the method is written for the original serving size.


Shop recipes directly or add ingredients to a shopping list

Click ‘shop recipe’, and you’ll have everything you need in your cart in one go; no need to search for each ingredient. Not ready to shop your recipes? Add recipe ingredients to your shopping list for later – perfect for planning weekly meals and special occasion feasts.


Swap recipe ingredients to suit your needs

It’s easy to substitute ingredients based on your dietary needs and preferences, or even your favourite brands. Simply click ‘shop recipe’, then select ‘swap’ on any ingredient to find a list of similar products to better suit you.


Leave a review for the recipes you’ve made

Sign in and share your experience in the kitchen by leaving a rating and review on all the recipes you’ve made from Woolworths, including recipes from Fresh Ideas magazine. Tell us what you liked, if you’d make it again, if you have any tips or changes or if it needed something extra.


Print recipes and share them with friends

All of our recipes are printer-friendly, which means you can have a hard copy for your recipe book at any time. Just look for the printer icon underneath the recipe image. Plus, you can share links to recipes via email, social media or copy-pasting by clicking the arrow icon.