Mangoes are a tropical stone fruit that feature golden, yellow-red skin when ripe, or green when unripe. Mangoes have smooth, soft skin with bright yellow flesh. Popular varieties include Kensington Pride, Calypso®, R2E2, KEITT and Honey Gold™.

Calypso® mangoes are sweet and juicy with a small seed and extra big cheeks. They are the most popular variety.

Kensington Pride mangoes have a faint pink blush when ripe, a fruity aroma and a sweet, tangy flavour.

KEITT mangoes are sweet and mild in taste with a firm texture.

Large and firm, Honey Gold™ mangoes have yellow-orange skin and a sweet, rich flavour.

R2E2 mangoes are large and round in shape and firm in texture. R2E2 mangoes have a mildly sweet flavour, with an orange-red skin.
Mangoes are grown on evergreen trees in the warmer areas of Australia. Growing regions include the Northern Territory, Western Australian and Queensland.
To see when this variety is in peak season and Australian sourced, please view our Fruit and Veg seasonal calendar here.
Ripe mangoes will have a strong aroma. Apply light pressure to a mango to test ripeness; if it gives slightly, it’s ready to eat.
Mangoes are best kept at room temperature. Once ripe, keep them in the fridge for up to 5 days to extend their life. Avoid keeping mangoes in plastic bags as they need to breathe.
Mangoes are a versatile fruit and can be enjoyed in many ways. Mango pairs particularly well with prawns and chicken. Cook both ripe and unripe mangoes in curries for a sweetened taste, or enjoy mangoes chargrilled. Process mangoes in a dressing or chutney, or use fresh sliced or pureed mango alongside and in desserts.
Did you know that more than 9 million Aussie households buy mangoes?
Mangoes are a source of fibre for a healthy gut. Mangoes are rich in vitamin C to support immune
*As part of a healthy balanced diet.
Chop or puree and freeze mangoes for up to six months. Add them to smoothies, curries, chutneys, or a refreshing sorbet.