Fresh Seasonal Picks


Celery is a green, upright vegetable with long stems and leafy green tops. Celery comes from the same family as carrots, parsnips, parsley and cumin.

All year Celery

It is crispy, crunchy and makes a great healthy snack.

Where are they grown

Celery is a shallow-rooted plant that requires lots of water to grow. Celery likes moderate conditions and grows best in climates that are not extreme. It is usually grown in Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia.

To see when this variety is in peak season and Australian sourced, please view our Fruit and Veg seasonal calendar here.

How to pick

Select celery that has long, crisp stems and fresh, green leaves.

How to store

Store celery in the crisper drawer of the fridge for up to five days.

How to use

Celery provides a great base for many soups. Braised, it pairs well with poultry, meat or fish.

Fun facts
  • Celery was a prized vegetable for ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.
  • Celery is a source of vitamin C and potassium*. It’s also a source of dietary fibre and is naturally low in calories.

    *When eaten as part of a healthy and balanced diet.
Food saver tips
  • All parts of the celery bunch can be eaten, either raw or cooked, so there’s little room for waste. Use older celery in a vegetable stock, or blitz it into a juice.
  • Freeze celery sticks for up to 10 months to use in soups or stews. Wash, cut and blanch celery, place on a tray lined with baking paper and freeze. When frozen, move celery pieces to an airtight container.
Celery recipes

Vegetable Stock

Lentil Bolognese

Quick Beef & Vegetable Stew

Curried Cabbage & Lentil Soup

Corned Beef

Barley, Mixed Veg & Lamb Soup

Jamie's Mexican-Style Roasted Veg Ragu

Chicken, Corn & Leek Chowder

Egg & Tomato Skewers

BBQ Chicken & Pasta Salad

Creamy Celeriac Chowder

Roast Vegetable Hummus

Super Green Juice