The story of Carr's began during the British Industrial Revolution when Jonathan Dodgson Carr set up a small bakery in the city of Carlisle in 1831. Carr's Table Water in their original form first appeared in the late 19th century as a refinement of the ship's biscuit. Water instead of fat was used to blend the dry ingredients in order to keep the biscuits fresh on long voyages. Carr's Table Water with their delicate, crisp texture proved extremely popular with seafarers.
Word soon spread to every port and in 1908 these crackers were made available to people on land too in the form of Carr's Table Water!
Carr's Table Water are still baked today using traditional brick ovens, in the proud tradition established by Jonathan Dodgson Carr.
This gourmet selection of Carr's Assorted Biscuits For Cheese has been specially selected with nine different varieties of crackers and using the finest ingredients. They are perfect to serve at any occasion.
Choose Carr's Assorted Biscuits For Cheese for friends and family special sharing occasions!
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be displayed on the product label.
< means Less Than.
- means that the value is not available.