Do Not apply if rain is expected within 24 hours. Do not apply when temperatures are 30°C or higher, or during windy conditions. Do not apply when soil is dry and plants or lawn are suffering from moisture stress. Do Not apply to plants, vegetables or parts of plants that are to be eaten.
Situation home and garden including indoor and outdoor ornamental plant such as flower, shrubs, trees, lawn and non-bearing fruit trees. Pest Aphid, bugs, caterpillars, Heliothis, leafhoppers, grasshoppers, thrips. How to apply: apply at the first sign of pest infestation and before pest populations build up t damaging levels. Ensure thorough coverage of infested leaves and stems, for delicate plants such as ferns, test a small area of the plant first with only a very light spray.
maintenance treatment: If necessary, repeat treatment at 3 months intervals or appropriate intervals to prevent re-infestation. Situation in and around the home Pests ants, carpet beetles, cockroaches, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, silverfish, spider, moths, wasps, weevils. How to apply: Apply to floor, skirting boards, carpets, cupboards, behind and below sinks, stoves and drains and other insect entry points, particularly cracks and crevices, window sills, window frames and fly screens, spray outside surface of the home and surround including but not limited to foundations verandahs, window frames, eaves, patios, garages, soil, lawn, trunks of woody ornamentals or others areas where pests congregate or have been seen. Apply to insect nest or trails including spider webs and wasp nests, and around garbage bins, for best results perimeter treatment is advised.
Maintenance treatment: If necessary, repeat treatment at 3 months intervals or appropriate intervals to prevent re-infestation.
Shake well before use.
Indoor site preparation: Remove or cover all exposed food; cover all cooking and eating utensils and places where foods is prepared. After use, thoroughly even tiles treated area. Clean up thoroughly before processing or serving food again. After use, ensure thorough good hygiene practices are followed, particularly removal of food scraps. Care should be taken not to spray delicate fabrics or furnishing as water based insecticides may stain.
Storage Instructions: Store in the closed, original container in a cool, dry, place out of the reach of children. Do Not store in direct sunlight. Dispose of empty container by wrapping in paper, placing in plastic bag and putting in the garbage.