THE CROODS: A comedy adventure that takes us back to the beginning - to a previously undiscovered era known as the Croodacious - a time when Mother Nature was still experimenting and the flora and fauna we know today hasn't evolved yet.THE CROODS: A NEW AGE: In 2013, the world was introduced to the first family of the prehistoric era, The Croods. The Academy Award-nominated comedy about a clan dealing with their changing world captivated global audiences, reminding us of the timeless importance of family...and just how little we've evolved. In September 2020, DreamWorks Animation invites you on an all-new adventure back in time with THE CROODS 2. Returning stars Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds, Catherine Keener, Cloris Leachman and Clark Duke welcome Leslie Mann to the film's cast as The Croods face their biggest threat since leaving the cave: another family.