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Woolworths is committed to providing a website that adheres to accessibility standards.

In building and maintaining the Woolworths website the following accessibility criteria are, where possible, followed.
  • In all possible cases use a web font so all text is easy to read.
  • Include alt tags for images to convey information.
  • Navigation through our websites works in a consistent way.
  • Position content in natural order.
  • Display which element has focus, for easier keyboard navigation.

Here are a few hints to help access accessibility settings on the Woolworths website.

1. Turn on accessibility setting

If you are using a keyboard, screen reader or low vision user, it is recommended that "Accessibility" is turned on. By having this setting turned on, styles that enhance the visual presentation of the site are turned off. This setting does impact access to the site or products and service that are available.

The Accessibility Setting can be reached via the "Accessibility Settings" link towards the very top of the page. Note that this link only becomes visible on keyboard focus.

2. Skip links

Links can be found at the top of every page. These links can be accessed when first tabbing on a page and will direct to a section of the site. The following areas can be navigated to directly from these links.

  • Content Navigation (Categories within a given page)
  • Main Content
  • Cart
  • Accessibility Settings

3. Enlarge text and images on the site

On a PC:
  1. Hold down the 'Ctrl' key and press '+' to enlarge.
  2. Hold down the 'Ctrl' key and press '-' to reduce.
  3. To reset hold down 'Ctrl' and press '0'.
On an Apple Macintosh computer hold the 'Cmd' (Apple) key instead of 'Ctrl'.

4. Search Tips

A search box is located at the top of each page of the website. Tips for improving search results:
  • Use keywords, for example “Bread”, “Milk”
  • Enter a brand name to find products by that brand.
  • Narrow your results using the suggested search terms that appear based on your keyword. You can access these suggested terms by the Down and Up keys on your keyboard from the search box.

Browsers and Assistive Technology

Every attempt is made to ensure that this Woolworths website functions as intended with the latest version of browsers and assistive technologies, however these change frequently which will impact the experience on the website. The website has been tested to work as intented with the following technologies:

Supported Screen Reader with browser combinations
-  NVDA version 2015+ with Fire Fox browser versions 39 & 40
-  JAWS versions 15.012 & 16 with Internet Explorer browser version 11

Supported Screen Readers
-  JAWS 14, 15 & 16
-  NVDA 2014 – 2015.3

Supported browser & screen reader combinations

Internet Explorer
Version x-11 works best with JAWS 14, 15.

Version x-x works best with NVDA, 2014 - 2015

Website Accessibility Standards

All pages on this site are developed following the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, to a level of AA compliance.

Accessibility Barriers

WCAG 2.0 standards are followed, should you experience any difficulties please contact us so we can continue to improve the experience on the website.


Please contact us on 1800 000 610 or here