How to organise a fun Halloween scavenger hunt

Scavenger hunt

Take your Halloween party outside with a Halloween treasure hunt which can be done before or after trick or treating. Kids love this Halloween activity and it’s fun and easy to create. Simply design some spook-tacular Halloween treasure hunt clues and hide your goodies in the garden or around the neighbourhood and let the little ones run rampant.

Scavenger hunt set up

Setting up the Halloween scavenger hunt

To begin, head to your local Woolworths and grab some items such as plastic bones, spider webs, plastic spiders and light-up lanterns to set your spooky scene.

You can drape them over trees, hedges and on outdoor furniture and they can be easily removed afterwards. Then pick up some Halloween treasure such as craft activity sets, or scary snacks.

You might like to get some Halloween-themed buckets for the hunt as well as all your treats.


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Scavenger hunt clues

Creating your Halloween scavenger hunt clues

Once you’ve got all the supplies you need, it’s time to create a map of your garden or neighbourhood which includes all the areas where prizes lie. Include some Halloween clues about the Halloween treasure to make things a little easier and to the guessing factor.

The clues can be as mysterious or detailed as you like, as well as age-appropriate, depending on who will be participating in the hunt. If you need some ideas you can find plenty of Halloween-themed printables clues online, which you can cut out and stick on pieces of cardboard.

Then, hide a number of Halloween treasures throughout the home, garden or neighbourhood. The prizes should be placed in areas that are hidden, but not completely out of bounds.

How many items should you place in every area? It’s completely up to you. However, it’s a good idea to have the objects range in size to keep things interesting.


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Scavenger hunt costume

Get into your Halloween costume

To add to the scary atmosphere, encourage your Halloween party to dress up in Halloween costumes or even make their own DIY Halloween costumes ahead of the scavenger hunt.

If you’re at home or in your neighbourhood, play spooky Halloween-inspired tunes for everyone to dance around to during the Halloween treasure hunt.

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