"Okay I'll admit it, sometimes my bite is worse than my bark! But when I'm bored or want attention, I just can't help but start chewing anything I can get my paws on. But not anymore with Rufus & Coco Chew Stopper, just a few sprays and its bitter taste has me stopped in my tracks. May be I'll go looking for that cute girl next door instead..."
Rufus & Coco Chew Stopper is professionally formulated with an extra bitter taste to discourage biting and chewing. It is safe for use on:
- your pet's fur and skin.
- Most furniture.
- Shoes and household objects.
Rufus & Coco Chew Stopper is safe and non-toxic, with no oily residue.
- Bitter spray to help stop your pet chewing.
- Suitable for Dogs, Furniture & Household objects.
- Contains Non-Toxic Bitrex.
For Skin and Coat: Spray onto affected areas of dog's coat until wet to skin. Allow to dry. Repeat as needed.
For Furniture and Household Objects: Test a small inconspicuous area of the surface first to ensure compatibility. Then simply spray lightly onto the target area.