Black seedless grapes have a sweet, with richer and more complex flavour than the white grape.
Black seedless grapes are available all year round through our relationships with Australian and international growers. Imported grapes are available mid July to mid November, while the Australian grapes are maturing and waiting to come back into season from late November.
How to Pick:
When selecting grapes, look for firm, plump clusters that are securely attached to their stems. Avoid any grapes that are soft or overly bruised.
How to Store:
Always refrigerate grapes as soon as they arrive home from the store.
Rinse grapes only when you're ready to consume them. Grapes have a natural "bloom", a dusty, silvery coating that is perfectly safe to eat. It occurs naturally, forming a barrier which helps to seal in the fruit's moisture keeping it fresh.
Where it's Grown:
United States of America
Health Benefits:
Grapes contain potassium for muscle function*
*Based on 1 cup grapes (150g), as part of a healthy balanced diet