Sleep & Insomnia: Spray bedroom and / or pillow 10 minutes before bed to calm, soothe and promote sleep.
Anxiety & nervous tension: Spray room as required. For increased relaxation, spray onto fingers and massage into temples.
Antiseptic: For minor cuts and scratches, hold can 15cm from the area and spray.
Insect bites: Spray onto bite. Do not rub in. Repeat as necessary.
Around the home
Cleaning: For floors, hard surfaces, kitchen and bathroom, spray to help remove unwanted bacteria and odours.
Freshen: Use as a room spray to deodorise, freshen and clean.
Drawers & wardrobes: To freshen and disinfect, spray as required. Kills germs and removes unwanted bacteria and kill germs.
See base of can for batch code and expiry date.