1. For best results each cup of coffee being prepared should be brewed individually, however more than one cup of coffee can be brewed at the same time.
2. Take your favourite cup and fill with cold water.
3. Pour into coffee pot or narrow saucepan and add one teaspoon full of Negrita Coffee for each cup being prepared; also add the desired amount of sugar.
4. Stir until thoroughly diluted.
5. Bring brew to the boil and immediately pour into cup, do not strain.
6. You now have a beautiful cup of coffee, sediment will settle to the bottom of the cup and should be discarded once the coffee is consumed.
7. This style of coffee is usually served black in small cups, but milk or cream can be added if desired.
Quantities stated above are averages only. Further nutrition information may
be displayed on the product label.
< means Less Than.
- means that the value is not available.