The Sodastream Spirit Decor Sparkling Water Maker Urban Grey w/ 1L Bottle DWS is a new stylish way to sparkle your water.
Designed for the modern kitchen, Urban Grey is both classic and cool.
Trendy Sparkling Water Maker that easily turns tap water into a sparkling drinks.
Perfect for those who love adding fun and colour to their lives.
Includes 1L dishwasher safe Carbonating Bottle, a snap-lock bottle insertion mechanism, and a 60L CO₂ cylinder to make up to 60 Litres of Sparkling Water.
Carbonating bottle features a delicate floral design and also a clear water level line to guide you when filling it up.
Ideal for making your sparkling water and flavoured fizzy drinks and for entertaining guests or simply to enjoy at home with the family.
1L dishwasher safe
Ideal for making your sparkling water and flavoured fizzy drinks
Bottle Dishwasher Safe
Bottle Size: 1L
1x Soda Machine
1x 60L Gas Cylinder
1x 1L Bottle