Drink and enjoy Aloe Recovery. To boost the immune system and enhance your health and wellbeing.
Aloe vera Leaf Extract - contains Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids
Cherries - a popular food for centuries, and research demonstrates an amazing array of nutritional benefits from a diet that includes cherries.
Pomegranate - contains high levels of vitamin C, B and Iron, it has a powerful antioxidant.
Not feeling too good, or just worked late & not eaten properly? Aloe Vera Recovery with its high content of antioxidants will assist the body in scavenging those free radicals & eliminating them. Whenever you're feeling below par, this juice will be beneficial to boost the immunity.
Quantities stated above are averages only. Further nutrition information may
be displayed on the product label.
< means Less Than.
- means that the value is not available.