Lemon Balm, Passionfruit Seed Extract and Chamomile to make your dreams come true.
Work hard. Play hard. Sleep hard. We are in the middle of a sleep revolution and if you aren't already on board, get ready. There is compelling evidence revealing the power of sleep for just about every human function. However, with our busy, modern lifestyles, it's hard to find enough time to recharge.
Drink your supplements on-the-go with our super shots. This formulation is raising the bar for sleep. SUP's herbs and botanicals have been traditionally consumed to help:
- Relax your body, mind and soul
- Benefit sleep
- Foster a peaceful mind
- Bring some ying to your yang
Relax your body, mind and soul
Benefit sleep
Foster a peaceful mind
Bring some ying to your yang
Shot your vitamins on-the-go