Cavendish is the most popular banana variety in Australia, with firm, starchy flesh, available all year round.
Bananas are perfect for snacking, used in baking, fruit salads and smoothies.
How to Pick:
Bananas that are yellow and maybe lightly flecked with brown spots will be at their peak flavor. Bananas should be plump, firm, and brightly colored
How to Store:
Store bananas at room temperature, where they will continue to ripen. If you refrigerate your bananas, they will stop ripening, but this will also make the skins go black. The fruit is still okay to eat, but will not be the best quality.
Where it's Grown:
Subtropical Bananas are grown in Carnarvon in WA.
Health Benefits:
Bananas contain potassium for heathy muscle function, and are high in energy-supprting vitamin B6*
*Based on one large cavendish banana, or 2 medium lady finger bananas (150g), as part of a healthy balanced diet