Lautus De-Alcoholised Moscato Rosé 750ml
Great care was taken in the making of, and subsequent removal of the alcohol from this Rosé, in order to highlight the characteristics of the Moscato grapes. A lively floral nose with red berry fruits. The palate shows medium sweetness, with well-balanced acidity.
Lautus De-Alcoholised Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
Sauvignon Blanc White Wine has pure aromas of gooseberry, capsicum and citrus. The elegant palate is underpinned by sumptuous tropical fruit and lime flavours, finishing with fresh acidity and lingering aftertaste.
Lautus De-Alcoholised Savvy Red 750ml
IWSC 2024 - Alternative Drinks Bronze 2024 winner.
Savvy Red Wine has pure red and blackberry fruit flavours with a touch of oak. The elegant palate is underpinned by fine tannin and juicy yet subtle fruit.
Lautus De-Alcoholised Sparkling Rosé 750ml
The nose is alive with strawberries, raspberries and other red berry fruits with a hint of floral, which the bubbles accentuate in this Sparkling Rosé. The palate shows slight sweetness, with a lively, but elegant sparkle.
To be enjoyed in its purest and natural form without the restrictions of alcohol.