Be gorgeous on the go! Simply remove split ends quickly and effectively without losing length. The fabulous Beurer HT22 Split End Trimmer will save you a trip to the hairdresser and provide a beautiful finish. Been out & about and find your hair brittle and drying out? Never fear – with 2 hours of battery life, you can keep your rechargeable HT22 on hand. The sleek, slim design makes it an easy addition to your handbag or travel luggage while the LED display makes it easy to see what you’re doing. There’s even a tidy, transparent container that collects all those pesky split ends and a soft brush to keep your HT22 clean and split end free! The transport lock will ensure it doesn’t dislodge and lose charge on the go and it also includes a USB charging cable. So, get to it and manage your locks for your best hair everyday! 3 Year warranty. German Design & Engineering.