Do not swallow.
Machine Washing (Top Load): Add mixture of bleach and water to machine at end of fill cycle then wash normally. Bleach (1 cup), Dilute in water (1 litre), Dilution (1:4), Temp. (Warm or Cold).
Hand Washing: Add to half a bucket of water. Wash normally, rinse well. Bleach (1/4 cup), Dilute in water (5 litres), Dilution (1:80), Temp. (Warm or Cold).
Stubborn Stains: Wash article in cold water. Soak in mixture of bleach and water for 5 minutes, rinse well. Wash normally. Bleach (1/2 cup), Dilute in water (2.5 litres), Dilution (1:20), Temp. (Cold).
Nappies: Rinse nappies. Soak in mixture of bleach and water for 10 minutes. Antibacterial. Wash normally. Bleach (1 cup), Dilute in water (5 litres), Dilution (1:20), Temp. (Warm or Cold).
Toilets: Flush toilet. Pour in and around the bowl. Clean with brush. Leave for 10 minutes then flush. Use undiluted.
Bathroom: Clean surface first, wipe over with White King, leave 5 minutes, rinse thoroughly. Use undiluted.
Kitchen: Apply mixture of bleach and water, then rinse thoroughly. Bleach (1/2 cup), Dilute in water (1 litre), Dilution (1:8), Temp. (Cold).
Garbage Bins: Rinse first. Pour undiluted. Leave for 10-15 minutes then rinse.
Outdoors: Rinse surface. Scrub with mixture. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. Bleach (1 cup), Dilute in water (1 litre), Dilution (1:4), Temp. (Cold).
Storage Instructions: Store upright below 25°C.