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Online shopping

New to Woolworths?

Watch our step-by-step guides to help you shop online and make the most of our digital services.

  • Woolworths Online Shopping

  • Woolworths Online - Online Catalogue

  • How to shop with the Woolworths App

  • How to create an account for Woolworths Online

Pick up & Delivery options

Pick up

Pick up an online order for yourself or on behalf of someone you care for, from more than 1,000 locations.


Picked with care, delivered to your door. All deliveries will now be contactless and placed at your doorstep in reusable bags.

Delivery Now

Delivery Now is the fastest and most convenient way to get your shopping delivered in under 2 hours.

Get Your Woolies Worth

Delivery Unlimited

As many deliveries as you like from less than $10 per month. Start your 30 day free trial today! T&Cs apply*

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